Moving image of any kind
Video production, exhibition film, image film, advertising spot, live recording and much more.

Online events
Whether journalists, analysts, employees or the general public: a livestream enables direct participation in the event.

Travel budgets in editorial departments are getting smaller. A livestream brings the press conference to your contacts in print, TV, radio and online.

Direct communication and interaction via customized option for written questions or video call.
Access possibilities: Whether internal user groups, with or without prior accreditation in a virtual press conference or public access, a livestream can be individually implemented according to your specifications.

Online events
Whether journalists, analysts, employees or the general public: a livestream enables direct participation in the event.

Travel budgets in editorial departments are getting smaller. A livestream brings the press conference to your contacts in print, TV, radio and online.

Direct communication and interaction via customized option for written questions or video call.
Access possibilities: Whether internal user groups, with or without prior accreditation in a virtual press conference or public access, a livestream can be individually implemented according to your specifications.

360° [W]eLearning-Service
We support a full dimensional service from the ground up: IT, concept, content and finally, go-live. Do you already have an existing system? We would be happy to provide you with content for it.

Either on our or your own servers, we install our license-free eLearning platform, create individual functions according to your wishes and adapt the design to your CI guidelines. User management and mirror system (backups) included.

High-quality content
This is where the content comes into play, from conception to the finished course. We create the concept based on your needs and deliver high-quality video lessons, as well as the corresponding self-tests and the issuing of the certificate.

erlesen.TV is a full-service provider for corporate communications with a focus on moving images.

With the product divisions Wefilm, Westream and Welearn, the company has been offering holistic consulting, implementation and communication of film productions, digital conferences, livestream of fully digital and hybrid event formats as well as e-learning programs since 2009.

erlesen.TV works for numerous national and international companies, institutions, associations and NGOs.

As we take reliability and data security very seriously as a partner of our customers and do not advertise our work with our customers‘ data and information, we ask for your understanding that you will not find customer names and work examples here.

In a personal conversation we would be happy to present our portfolio to you and show you suitable, individual examples of our work.

You can reach us at or by phone at 0049.40.52560.164